The Russian invasion of Ukraine is now underway and multiple locations under fire. The major Ukrainian cities of Kyiv and Kharkiv are suffering from bombardment, which has led to many civilian casualties.
Standing With Ukraine
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is now underway and multiple locations under fire. The major Ukrainian cities of Kyiv and Kharkiv are suffering from bombardment, which has led to many civilian casualties.
Tens of thousands of residents are trapped in homes and shelters, with thousands crowded into underground subway stations for protection, and food and water in short supply in many areas.
Life has been completely disrupted across the country with hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the fighting. One million people have left Ukraine in just a week, according to the UN. At the same time, some Ukrainian volunteers were traveling in the opposite direction — returning to the country to join the ranks of those defending it.
At this very moment, Ukraine’s population is in danger of losing their homes, their businesses, and most importantly their lives.
Responding to the attacks, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “This is an act of war, an attack on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, a gross violation of the UN Statute and the fundamental norms and principles of international law.” And Ukraine’s foreign minister tweeted, “Ukraine will defend itself. Ukraine will win.”
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