In Memory of Gloria and Ray Max

A champion of the local Ormond Beach community, Gloria Max
spent her life dedicated to helping those less fortunate. (1940-2021)

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Ormond Beach Community Champion

Gloria Max, the great motivator behind the yearly drive to give school supplies to thousands of children in need in Volusia and Flagler counties, as well as founding the Jerry Doliner Food Bank, has passed away after battling peritoneal cancer.

Gloria was the long-serving executive director of the Jewish Federation of Volusia & Flagler Counties, where she and her husband Ray also ran the federation's food bank and started an annual Operation Backpack program.

Gloria was honored by The Daytona Beach News-Journal in 2020 as the Volusia-Flagler area's "Most Influential Woman of the Year" because of her constant efforts to help those in need.


Creating Operation Backpack

Operation Backpack was started in the late 1990s, with the program donating backpacks filled with school supplies to 300 students in Volusia County schools. Over the past six years, Operation Backpack has donated backpacks and school supplies to over 7,000 students at 89 schools in Volusia and Flagler counties.

Additionally, The Jerry Doliner Food Bank provides groceries to more than 200 families every week. The food bank and Operation Backpack programs offer assistance to anyone in need, regardless of race, ethnicity or religion.

While serving as the Federation's executive director, Gloria was a nonstop worker, who logged countless hours and typically worked seven days a week, often late into the night. Her contributions will be immensely missed, and it is our honor and duty to continue to further improve the programs Gloria started, and held so close to her heart.

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Donate in Gloria's Honor

We are asking that donations in Max's honor be made to either the Jerry Doliner Food Bank or Operation Backpack. Checks should be made out to the Jewish Federation of Volusia & Flagler Counties with a memo note stating either "food bank" or "backpacks." The federation's office and mailing address is 470 Andalusia Ave., Ormond Beach, FL 32174. The federation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Gone But Never Forgotten

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Gloria Award
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